wearable, hackable, sound-activated blinky light toy
Designed by FallenPegasus in United States of AmericaNo shipping info available.
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Bliplace is a wearable, hackable, sound-activated blinky light toy. It uses a small microcontroller and a mix of hardware and software feedback to automatically synchronize with and adapt to the soun…
Read More…Bliplace is a wearable, hackable, sound-activated blinky light toy. It uses a small microcontroller and a mix of hardware and software feedback to automatically synchronize with and adapt to the sounds around it - it should pulse along with the ambient noises around you no matter if you're in a quiet park or a thunderously loud concert.
Bliplace uses ubiquitous CR2032 coin-cell batteries, which should be available virtually anywhere. The average power draw of Bliplace is well under 2 milliamps - a single battery should power it for around 150 hours, or a week of continuous use.
Kit includes the preprogrammed ATtiny processor, all parts, one battery, and instructions.
Solder, soldering iron, and flush-cut wire cutter not included.
Difficulty level: EASY
Unassembled kits can also be in purchased in person from the vending machine at: Metrix Create:Space at 623 Broadway E, Seattle WA 98102
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Roger | March 13, 2015
Winchell | Oct. 10, 2014
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Seattle, WA, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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