Arduino Pro-Mini Canbus Shield MCP2515
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NEW v1.5 Features!! New features include a integrated regulator capable of 150mA with upto 25v input. It does not have big smd pads for Power and ground. But its replaced with standard .1" header. …
Read More…NEW v1.5 Features!! New features include a integrated regulator capable of 150mA with upto 25v input. It does not have big smd pads for Power and ground. But its replaced with standard .1" header.
Arduino Pro-mini / or Sparkfun Pro Micro compatible CAN bus shield. Based on the Microchip MCP2515 can interface controller. It will make CAN bus projects smaller, portable and cost-effective as a dedicated unit. It also has a switchable chip select soldering points configuration so you can stack more than one on top of each other.
This operates on 5v
Depending on your microcontrollers LDO regulator, (Most microcontrollers) 16v limit on "raw pin".
Here are the spec sheets for the MCP2515
The CAN Bus transceiver used is the TJA1050
*does not include Arduino Pro Mini or Pro Micro. Only the MCP2515 shield.
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San Ysidro, CA, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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