Prototyping board for DEC systems including the PDP-11, PDP-8, and more.
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The GW-DEC-1 is a prototyping board for DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) systems, including the PDP-11, PDP-8, and many others. DEC used the same backplane connectors in many of their systems, inc…
Read More…The GW-DEC-1 is a prototyping board for DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) systems, including the PDP-11, PDP-8, and many others. DEC used the same backplane connectors in many of their systems, including non-computer items such as the VT05 terminal. This board was designed to be compatible with that connector, based of dimensions provided from DEC's own engineering drawings (captured in KiCAD by Connor Krukosky). All bus pins are brought out to solder pads, no power connections are committed in copper to keep the GW-DEC-1 compatible with as many DEC systems as possible.
This prototype board is quad height, but can be sheared or otherwise cut into two dual-height cards. It is dual width in either configuration (DEC dimensions are "backwards" from how one normally thinks of dimensions, a "dual height" card would be split between the middle power busses).
The GW-DEC-1 includes the following features:
We now offer this prototyping board with white DEC handles preinstalled. The handles are standard Bivar CP-2 white handles, riveted on with hollow brass rivets. Do note that the standard option is without handles. The third and fourth picture show the GW-DEC-1 with handles riveted on.
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Aaron | March 2, 2023
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Buena Vista, VA, United States of America
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