Feature rich development board for portable GUI or graphics based gadgets with great software support
Designed by danjuliodesigns, LLC in United States of America
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GCore - short for Gadget Core - is a high-performance ESP32 development board I designed for my open source tCam thermal imaging camera and to be a platform for other portable devices. It has the fe…
Read More…gCore - short for Gadget Core - is a high-performance ESP32 development board I designed for my open source tCam thermal imaging camera and to be a platform for other portable devices.
It has the features and performance I found missing on other dev boards. If you've ever found yourself kludging a bunch of breakout boards together or wishing for things like better graphics performance or soft power control then gCore is for you.
The ultra-low power EFM8 co-processor and supporting circuitry provide a bunch of cool capabilities.
How about a lighting system remote control that turns on automatically when you pick it up?
Or a video game emulator with 60 FPS graphics
Explore your backyard using a remote controlled tank with video streaming
Do all the maths in hex or decimal with a programmer's calculator
Stream from thousands of internet radio stations from around the world.
Like you, perhaps, I've struggled trying to figure out how to control various boards over the years so I committed to providing great software support for gCore.
gCore code can be created using Arduino, the Espressif IDF or MicroPython. There's even a Desktop app that runs on Linux, Mac or Windows that allows you to load the various demos and gCore applications I've written without having to compile anything.
There are Arduino libraries for accessing the co-processor and a port of TFT_eSPI that enables blazing fast graphics (see the video). In addition there are lots of Arduino and Espressif IDF demos and examples showing how to use all features of the board. I am a heavy user of the LVGL graphics/GUI library and there are several demos including drivers for the LCD, touchscreen and gCore hardware. The MicroPython port also has support for LVGL.
Housing our creations is sometimes the most difficult part. I designed a simple enclosure using OpenSCAD that can be printed on most FDM printers. The design is in the repo so you can make changes to fit your own needs.
I know it's helpful sometimes to thoroughly understand the system. The complete hardware design, firmware and software is available in the main and supporting github repositories and directly downloadable from my website.
First, congrats if you made it all the way down here! Yeah, I know it's more than some other boards. That's not because I'm going to get rich from this. It's because gCore does things the other boards can't. And those capabilities take extra parts which add to the cost. Plus it's made in relatively low volumes. If a less expensive board meets your needs then I say buy it. But if you see how the features in this board are useful and make more capable devices, then for a delta price that's probably less than a night out on the town, you can have a very cool board to build your awesome project with. And I look forward to seeing what people make. Cheers! Dan
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Boulder, CO, United States of America
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