Envo32 RS232 Temperature, Humidity, IO Contoller with Programmable Triggers
Designed by KINIK in AustraliaThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
ENVO32 is designed as a programmable serial environment control module for server cabinets, green houses or other small spaces. You can configure triggers on ENVO32 with simple serial commands based …
Read More…ENVO32 is designed as a programmable serial environment control module for server cabinets, green houses or other small spaces. You can configure triggers on ENVO32 with simple serial commands based on temperature,humidity and input ports to output ports and switches.
P0-P4 Ports P0,P1,P2,P3,P4 are generic IO ports which can be configured as digital inputs, digital outputs or analog inputs.
P7,P8 Generic IO ports which can be configured as digital inputs, digital outputs or analog inputs.
S0,S1 Low side mosfet switches.
Temperature And Humidity - On board DHT22 temperature, humidity sensor - Can be read from serial and/or used as values for triggers.
Temperature And Humidity
Command: ct t0
Returns temperature in Celsius. Example: for 27.4 C, will return 274
Command: ct t1
Returns humidity percentage. Example: for 65.5%, will return 655
Digital read
ct p0=$
Reads the port and returns 0 or 1
Enable,Disable Weak Pull Up
ct p0=u (Pull-up enabled)
ct p0=f (Port floating, pull-disabled)
Digital Write
ct p0=1
ct p0=0
Analog Read
ct p0=a
Returns a 10 bit analog reading from the given port
Setting up triggers
ct p0=:p5=0
p0 is digital one if p5 is digital zero
ct p2=:p7<512
p2 is digital one if analog value on p7 is smaller than 512 else p2 is digital 0
ct s0=:t0>300
s0 switch is closed if temperature is higher than 30 C
ct p0=:t1>600
p0 is digital one if humidity is higher than 60 percent
Show triggers
ct p0=t
Will print if a trigger is set
Clear Trigger
ct p0=:x
Removes if a trigger is set up for port P0
Error Codes
NC: No such command
NP: No such port
NE: No execution , no trigger defined or operation not available for given port
Serial Connection Serial communication protocol is RS232 with following parameters
Stop Bits 1
These communication parameters are chosen as they pretty much work for every RS232 device and transmission speed is more than enough for any application I can think of. Note that this is device can communicate over RS232 no UART, meaning you can't use usb serial UART adapters to communicate with ENVO32. You can use an FTDI usb adapter but you have to reprogram it to invert both RX and TX. To do that you can download FT_Prog from FTDI and invert receive transmit as in this image. You won't have any problems with real RS232 devices. Feel free to PM me any questions, will be glad to answer them.
Input voltage 3-16V
Standby current 5ma @9V
Max. Current IO 25ma
Max. Switch Current 5A @16V
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