10 blue LEDs, circle each other in chase, speed adjustable
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One of the first electronic kits I ever put together was an LED chaser. It was a simple circuit but it taught me so much. The well known 555 timer chip, 4017 decade counter, LEDs, and adjustable spee…
Read More…One of the first electronic kits I ever put together was an LED chaser. It was a simple circuit but it taught me so much. The well known 555 timer chip, 4017 decade counter, LEDs, and adjustable speed via trimpot got me hooked on electronics. The kit I started with had the lights oriented in a single row on a sparse board. I had always thought that the circuit would be so much better in a nice compact circle - that way the lights could chase each other in an endless loop.
Many decades later I was able to produce that improved kit which is what you see here. And to make it even better, the copper on the back of the board - the actual electron paths - is shaped like the man on the moon, while the LEDs on the front are screened to look like stars! This was a fun board to make and is a great starter kit for those new to electronics or soldering. Enjoy!
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Ventura, CA, United States of America
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