Cyberpunk Inspired Digital Watch - Red / Black
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Cyberpunk Inspired Watch, went with a red and black color scheme, vertical BRIGHT diffused red led bar with the story that it's supposed to look kind of rebuilt the watch out of stolen tech. Made it …
Read More…Cyberpunk Inspired Watch, went with a red and black color scheme, vertical BRIGHT diffused red led bar with the story that it's supposed to look kind of rebuilt the watch out of stolen tech.
Made it because I love the lore of this kind of stuff and wanted to feel like I live in a more cyberpunk world. I have seen similar watches, but usually they go with nixie tubes, which while cool, don't fit the aesthetic perfectly imho. I wanted to show off the PCB rather than hide it.
As a side note, I would consider this more of art than practical everyday wear. While I have been wearing mine in a normal lifestyle without any issues, this may not hold up to the rigor of your lifestyle and is definitely not waterproof.
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