DIY Electronic Kit, DC 15-24V 15W Tesla Coil Kit, MINI Music Loudspeaker Kit
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Description: The Tesla coil can produce high temperature and high pressure plasma, which can sing, ignition, wireless transmission, and light fluorescent lamp. It has a wonderful arc. It is a very in…
Read More…The Tesla coil can produce high temperature and high pressure plasma, which can sing, ignition, wireless transmission, and light fluorescent lamp. It has a wonderful arc. It is a very interesting small production of scientific experiments. This is DIY Tesla coil Kit parts, which needs to be soldered and assembled by yourself.
Tesla coil is a transformer that operates on resonance principle. It was invented by Nicola Tesla, a Serbia American scientist in 1891. It is mainly used to produce ultra-high-voltage, but low current, high-frequency AC power. The Tesla coil is composed of two groups of resonant circuits (sometimes three groups) coupled. The Tesla coil is difficult to define, and Nicola Tesla has tried a large number of configurations of various coils. Tesla uses these coils to carry out innovative experiments, such as electrical lighting, fluorescence spectrum, X-ray, high frequency alternating current phenomenon, electrotherapy and radio energy transmission, transmitting and receiving radio signals.
NO. | Component Name | PCB Marker | Parameter | QTY |
1 | Metal Film Resistor | R1,R4 | 10K | 2 |
2 | Metal Film Resistor | R3,R5 | 2K | 2 |
3 | TIP41 | Q2 | 1 | |
4 | LED | LED1,LED2 | 3mm | 2 |
5 | Audio Socket | J2 | 1 | |
6 | Electrolytic Capacitor | 1uf | C1 | 1 |
7 | IRF530 | Q1 | 1 | |
8 | Power Socket | J1 | 5.0*2.1mm | 1 |
9 | Primary coil | L1 | 2-3T | 1 |
10 | Secondary coil | L2 | 350T | 1 |
11 | Copper pillar | M3*10 | 4 | |
12 | Screw | M3*6 | 4 | |
13 | Heat sink | 1 | ||
14 | PCB | 40*76mm | 1 |
Tested by Partner Workshop MasterOK electronics Repair
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