4 channel USB Relay Board with 16 Digital/Analog I/O USB Data Acquisition Card
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Welcome to the world of Computer Automation. This USB Relay Board - U452 is a perfect companion for all your computer automation projects. It is USB based card having 4 on board relays for switching…
Read More…Welcome to the world of Computer Automation. This USB Relay Board - U452 is a perfect companion for all your computer automation projects. It is USB based card having 4 on board relays for switching external devices and up to 16 digital & analogue I/Os that will help you to monitor various real world scenarios using switches & different kind of sensors to monitor many parameters like Temperature, Pressure, Light, Touch, PH etc. This card is not only good for controlling Relays but a perfect example for Data Acquisition applications.
It appears as a USB CDC ( Communications Device Class) device when connected to USB port of a computer. This creates a Virtual Serial (Com) Port, which allows easy communication with the card. Any programming language that supports serial communications ( C, C#, C++, VB, VB.NET, Perl, Java etc) can be used to communicate with U452 very easily. Easy to use commands are available to communicate with UR488 which handle various tasks like Switching On/Off of Relays, Controlling Digital Inputs & Outputs, Getting analog data etc.
The controller provides 4 relay outputs to control various electrical devices. Apart from this, the card has up to 16 digital input & output pins. It has also got 8 Analog input pins. All pins can be individually configured as Digital Input or Digital output on the fly. All analog pins can be individually configured as digital I/Os also while taking care of input conditions.
Each Digital pin can support a TTL or Schmitt Trigger Input or a 5V output. Each Analog pin will convert analog voltage ( Between 0 to 5V) or Higher ( through voltage divider) into 8, 10 or 12 bit resolution raw data. This can be converted into required form using conversion formulas. Any kind of sensor whether it is providing digital output or analogue output can be interfaced with U452 and monitored with the help of computer.
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