Motion-Detector based on RCWL0516 microwave/radar sensor and an ATTiny85
Designed by open-things in GermanyThis seller is taking a break until Dec. 26, 2024. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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What is it? This is a Motion Detector based on the RCWL0516 radar sensor module and an ATTiny85. It comes fully assembled and can detect movements in a range from up to 5-7m and almost 360°, dependin…
Read More…This is a Motion Detector based on the RCWL0516 radar sensor module and an ATTiny85. It comes fully assembled and can detect movements in a range from up to 5-7m and almost 360°, depending on the environment it is used (Industrial environment is not recommended). It can detect movement through doors and thin walls and can be hidden completely.
With the module you can switch a load of 7V-35V with max 3A. The module consists of a ATTiny85 which regulates the timings. On movement by default it fades in the load (PWM) and stays on for 30sec. Any movement within this time will reset the timer and after that time with no movement it fades out the load.
The input voltage is as well the input for the board and the output for the load.
A friend asked me for a power supply for an LED Strip she bought at aliexpress and for a switch. I told her I can make it a motion detected switch with fading and she said "cool", so I build this.
All informations about that project can be found here:
Note: In this version I forgot the drop-down resistor for the MOSFET but as long as you do not touch it, it works just fine :)
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