Raspberry Pi Pico board with 8Mbyte Flash and LiPo charger
Designed by Invector Labs in SwedenThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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The effects of the semiconductor shortage This board is a result of what happens when the semiconductor shortage hits. We were in the middle of a production run of our board Challenger RP2040 LTE whe…
Read More…This board is a result of what happens when the semiconductor shortage hits. We were in the middle of a production run of our board Challenger RP2040 LTE when our supplier suddenly decided not to ship our LDO's that we had on order.
The effect of that was that we could not finish the production for these boards. In fact I had to completely redesign the power section of that board since the LDO's were nowhere to be found.
So we ended up with a batch of half produced boards that were of no use to anyone. Except after a little thinking I realized that we could at least sell them without the modem and RF circuitry as a simple RP2040 boards with LiPo charger. The missing LDO was for supplying the modem so without the modem it works perfectly fine.
So here goes, this is a one time thing. We have a little over 100 boards and when they are gone they will be no more, so get'em while they last.
All documentation and instructions are the same as for the Challenger RP2040 LTE, just minus the modem part =).
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We normally pack items on Mondays and leave them at the post office on Tuesdays. Orders received after 12:00 (CET) on Monday will be shipped the following week.
Currently we provide two ways of shipping your products to you.
The first way is shipped in a padded envelop using the Swedish postal services called Postnord. The shipment is untraceable and not insured.
Delivery times vary between destinations but here are a few examples of delivery times taken from their website:
From what I understand it is usually the customs clearance in the receiving country that delays the shipments. All our shipments are correctly declared with an external CN22 with the proper customs information.
The second way is by DHL Express. With this shipping option your boards will reach you in no more than 5 working days, where ever you in the world you are.
Quantity | Price |
1-9 | $7.95 |
10+ | $7.00 |
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