Use a wireless (or wired) Wii Nunchuck to interact with standard mobile device, PC , and Mac games
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Background Add some fun to mouse based video games on your PC, Mac, and mobile devices using a Wii Nunchuck controller based on a compact USB Pro Trinket Arduino-compatible board combined with a Nunc…
Read More…Add some fun to mouse based video games on your PC, Mac, and mobile devices using a Wii Nunchuck controller based on a compact USB Pro Trinket Arduino-compatible board combined with a Nunchucky controller interface to create the iTapStick! The iTapStick has all types of uses for interacting with your PC, Mac, and mobile video games (especially one touch games on mobile devices). You can reprogram the iTapStick using the Arduino IDE for adding custom HID keyboard and mouse interactions from a wireless or wired Wii Nunchuck. We have numerous examples of how to use the iTapStick coming for your own gaming projects and will be adding more in time. Tell us what you are doing with your iTapStick!
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James | May 27, 2020
Connor | Jan. 10, 2017
Christian | July 8, 2016
Kurt | May 6, 2015
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Gainesville, VA, United States of America
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