A byte-sized wearable menorah pin
Designed by Jack And Steph's Workshop in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break until Dec. 31, 2025. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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Priority shipping now available! This sparkly wearable pin is eight bits of menorah memory, designed to help you remember/teach the hanukkiah customs! Using it couldn't be easier. The single button o…
Read More…This sparkly wearable pin is eight bits of menorah memory, designed to help you remember/teach the hanukkiah customs!
Using it couldn't be easier. The single button on the front side, just below the shamash candle, serves as both the power switch and the candle lighter:
The first press of the button powers on the circuit and lights the shamash candle only.
Tradition states that you now say the blessings before lighting the next candles. The pin helpfully reminds you to say these blessings by introducing a delay of a few seconds between the lighting of the shamash and when the circuit permits the next candle to be lit.
The next button press lights the candle for the first night, which is the leftmost candle. Each subsequent press lights another candle in the correct order from left to right. All the candles can be extinguished by pressing and holding the button for a few seconds.
Nerdy Details: A shift register stores the digital (on/off) state of a data input with every clock cycle. In our case, the data input is tied high, meaning it is always in the "on" or "1" state. The clock line is connected to the button on the front, which ties to low (ground) when pressed. Each time you press the button, you "clock" another high bit into the register, which "shifts" the number of lit candles down the line, until all eight are lit. That's right- no microcontrollers here! Power on/off is handled by a latching MOSFET which enables excellent standby time.
The kit version comes with 9 flickering LEDs, battery holder, and pin, which all require small but manageable soldering work. The tiny shift register and associated circuitry come pre-assembled, as does the button on the front.
*CR2032 battery not included
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Jamie | Dec. 22, 2024
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