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What is it? The H.F daughter board was designed to plug in the input stage of the DSP all band radio SI473x. It features a MMIC chip R.F transistor to amplify the signal. It features a 20db amplific…
Read More…The H.F daughter board was designed to plug in the input stage of the DSP all band radio SI473x. It features a MMIC chip R.F transistor to amplify the signal. It features a 20db amplification with a frequency range of 0.1 to 1.8Ghz.
The need of the preamp was needed to tune weaker signals. The board uses the BGA427 to amplify the signal. Such circuits also amplify the noise so the collector resistor is selectable.
The board plug's straight in the All band Radio board. The FM Band is bypassed while the MW/LW/SW is amplified by the board.
The All Band Radio is also Listed in my Tindie page.
What is Included ? Assembled and test add on board.
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