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What is it? This LC Meter is an improved version of the late NEIL HECKT AADE L/C Meter. This version uses an atmega AVR and a 1.8" TFT Screen. Software has been re-written by Bruce Hall W8BH and has …
Read More…This LC Meter is an improved version of the late NEIL HECKT AADE L/C Meter. This version uses an atmega AVR and a 1.8" TFT Screen. Software has been re-written by Bruce Hall W8BH and has a beeper that emits Morse code Messages. The design features two switches one to measure capacitance and one for inductance. These buttons have single and double hold functions and on powering on the meter , a self calibration is performed.
The basic principle of operation is that of a low frequency oscillator running in the range of 500-600khz. Stability is maintained with the 1nf polystyrene 1% capacitor. An inductor/capacitor is added to the LC tank to measure the capacitance or inductance and then computes the value of the component under test.
The meter can be powered by a 9v battery or else with a 9Volt D.C Wall Adapter.
Special features include manual calibration and engineering mode - view data on terminal of the computations.
My old 2005 lcr meter was not performing well and I needed to measure some hand wound inductors. I therefore decided to build an AVR lc meter and googling around I found this project which was published in feb 2022.
All credits goes to the authors and bhall66 and also coreWeaver
This LC meter Specifications :
.001 mH (1 nH) to 100 mH (most units measure to 150 mH)
.010 pF to 1 mFd (most units measure to 1.5 uF)
(capacitors must be non-polarized)
Accuracy: 1% of reading Typical
The unit is supplied ready built and tested, A 3D design is available to encase this nice project.
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