A Dummy load with a watt meter
Designed by JasonKits QRP in MaltaThis seller is taking a break until Jan. 4, 2025. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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What is it? The AVR DUMMY WATT METER consists of a 50 ohm dummy load , an R.F probe and an AVR AtMega328P with a 16 x2 lcd to read the produced rf voltage and convert it to a power level. This forms…
Read More…The AVR DUMMY WATT METER consists of a 50 ohm dummy load , an R.F probe and an AVR AtMega328P with a 16 x2 lcd to read the produced rf voltage and convert it to a power level. This forms the power watt meter to read up to 250watt for short bursts of course ! as the dummy load is not oil cooled. The meter features a menu system where one can set various parameters such as the resistor ratio, do a calibration . set dummy load resistance , do a save to memory , and restore to defaults and change the brightness of the lcd.
I am always building radio equipment and needed an R.F Meter to be handy.
Features :
D.C 12V Connector
BNC RF Input connector
50 Ohm Dummy Load
Two Power Levels 5W /250W Connector (Short Bursts < 10 sec)
16x2 LCD With Backlight control
Menu system to adjust values
Compact Design.
Supplied ready built and tested
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