Transfer Sensordata from 4x1-Wire Sensors (e.g. Tempsensor 18B20) to The Things Network, Cayenne or Grafana (868MHz)
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What is it? This is a TTN-Node (The Things Network) to measure Sensorvalues from 4 separate 1-Wire-Busses. The Board consist of a Arduino Pro Micro (3.3V) and a RFM95W Radio to communicate with „The…
Read More…This is a TTN-Node (The Things Network) to measure Sensorvalues from 4 separate 1-Wire-Busses. The Board consist of a Arduino Pro Micro (3.3V) and a RFM95W Radio to communicate with „The Things Network.“ If you choose the Option "fully assembled" the Board is preloaded with a Arduino Sketch to measure 4 different Temperature-Values. You get a suitable DEVEUI so you can instantly start measure temperatures and visualize them on Cayenne. The preloaded sketch is also provided under this LINK, you can use and modify it for your needs.
I described HERE a straightforward way to visualize the 4 Temperatures on Cayenne: LINK
To work the board needs to be in the range of an TTN-Gateway (most likely you know that). Information about The Things Network you can find HERE.
I personally use the node to visualize the different temperatures of my heating system, i measure the inlet temperature, the return temperature, the temperature of the hot water tank and the outside temperature.
You can also use the connectors to connect other 1-Wire-Sensors (e.g. XXXX) and write your own Code for your needs.
There is also a socket on the PCB for push in a DHT11 sensor, so you can get the current humidity.
On "The Things Network" Site you can find a Lab-Story on how to use this node: LINK
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Luuk | Dec. 27, 2019
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