16 x 2 Serial / Parallel Noritake-Itron 3.3v VF Display
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Overview This is a super cool 16x2 VFD in the same form as many common LCD displays of the same size. It supports the same HD44780 commands too making it simple to use as a drop in replacement for j…
Read More…This is a super cool 16x2 VFD in the same form as many common LCD displays of the same size. It supports the same HD44780 commands too making it simple to use as a drop in replacement for just about any project requiring LCD display. The bright and super clear display provide wide viewing angles making it easier to read from short and long distances
Need a display to work well cold or hot? These displays have quick display response even at -40°F to +185°F temps. I know, crazy right?
In addition to the normal 8/4 bit parallel interface (pin compatible with HD44780 displays), the display also has SPI connections, and brightness control settings.
I found a Noritake website with an Arduino library and example code (as well as AVR code). Here's the link. Look in the "Supporting Tools" section of the page.
For full details of this product, see the datasheet.
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San Diego, CA, United States of America
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