KIM-1 replica kit, a real piece of hardware for 6502 microprocessor
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KIM-1 is a small single-board computer based on MOS 6502 microprocessor released by MOS Technology company in 1976. It is considered one of the earliest single-board computers and achieved great succ…
Read More…KIM-1 is a small single-board computer based on MOS 6502 microprocessor released by MOS Technology company in 1976. It is considered one of the earliest single-board computers and achieved great success in the 1970s.
KIM-1 consists of two 6530 chips together providing 2K bytes of ROM (Monitor program, 1K bytes per chip), 128 bytes of RAM (64 bytes per chip), and four 8-bit bidirectional IO Ports (two per chip) and two programmable clocks/timers (one per chip). The RAM of KIM-1 is usually called 1K byte capacity, but to be precise, the RAM space it can provide is 1152 bytes (8 1K bits RAM + 128 bytes RAM in two 6530); A 23-key hexadecimal keyboard is used for program and instruction input, and 6 seven-segment LED displays can completely display the address information and data information of the 6502 CPU; KIM-1 also provides the connection capability of the TTY terminal and tapecorder to store and load programs.
First, PAL-1 is a kit, you can assemble it, test it and run it all by yourself —— an unique experience!
The PAL-1 addressing mode is completely implemented in accordance with the design of KIM-1, so it is compatible with most programs developed on KIM-1.
PAL-1 has 2K bytes ROM (complete KIM-1 Monitor), 5K bytes RAM, one 6532 RIOT chip on board, provides two 8-bit bidirectional I/Os, these I/Os are mainly used to support 23-key keyboard input and drive 6 seven-segment LED displays. In addition, PAL-1 also provides RS232 serial port to support terminal operation and 40-pin expansion port for future upgrade.The TTY/RS232 interface and expansion interface pinout uses the design of Rich Dreher and Vince Briel (MicroKIM compatible).
The main differences between PAL-1 and KIM-1 are illustrated by the following two figures in the "KIM-1 User Manual".
PAL-1 absence half I/O and Timer
PAL-1 onboard RAM increased to 5K (all green spaces are available) Picture 10
The PAL-1 Kit includes mainboard PCB, ICs, pre-programmed ROM, passive components, sockets & headers.
Print version BOM, Schematic.
You will need a 7.5V/1A DC power adapter (5.5*2.5/2.1mm) to power your PAL-1, and a RS232 cable if you want to use the terminal function.
For building, debugging, communication with other PAL-1 users - Google Groups
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