DIY PCB for the world's thinnest and simplest fully standalone hobby computer
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What is it? ELLO LC1 is an ultra-simple single board computer, built with only three main components. It runs Bitling BASIC interpreter, and despite its very limited hardware resources, makes a good …
Read More…ELLO LC1 is an ultra-simple single board computer, built with only three main components. It runs Bitling BASIC interpreter, and despite its very limited hardware resources, makes a good platform for entry-level programming and computing fun.
I wanted to make the thinnest possible standalone (ie. including input/output/storage) system. As a separate challenge, I wanted to experiment with ultimate simplicity, very low power, and use the PIC18 microcontroller as hardware platform, just to add more fun to the challenge.
ELLO LC1 uses non-trivial design approach to achieve the project goals. The realisation of keyboard, built without physical components and served by a microcontroller without touch capabilities added was an additional achievement on the software side.
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