Open Source Indoor Localization System (RTLS / INS) - Ultra Wideband Technology
Designed by Localino in GermanyThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
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Localino We provide an open source indoor location system based on Arduino. Indoor localization systems are either less accurate or very pricy. With Localino you are now able to build a very price c…
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We provide an open source indoor location system based on Arduino.
Indoor localization systems are either less accurate or very pricy. With Localino you are now able to build a very price competitive indoor location system. It is based on an Decawave UWB transceiver and an Arduino (Atmel 328p) so you can program and develop with your favourite Arduino IDE. The indoor and outdoor accuracy is within 10cm!
have a look at our instructable:
For distance measurement you will need at least 2 Localinos (to measure range very accurately). Localino #1 will measure the distance to Localino #2 very accurately and over dozens of meters (we have had distances up to 200m). For an indoor positioning system you will need at least 4 Localinos. Localino #1, #2, #3 are at fixed locations and measure the distance to #4 which is mobile. #4 can send the data via UART interface to a raspberry pi for example for further processing. We offer python code, which you can use to estimate and process the ranges. It will give you XY position in space. On our website you will find more information on code, firmware, software etc. The PCBs are universal and can operate as tag or as anchor, it depends on the code you flash.
Depending on your applicaton you will need to program code yourself, but can use our code and the library here as a starter:
This package contains: 1x Localino 1.3
This package does not contain:
All SMD components come pre-soldered onto the PCBs. You just have to solder the DWM chip and switch. Please also see our youtube channel how to solder and use Localino. A standard soldering iron is sufficient. You can use free software, for example from github (e.g. thotro decawave lib) or our code, which also makes use of the mentioned library and comes for free and open source. All boards an the tag need to be flashed with the supplied firmware.
Please note: The software is open source and was adapted by us. The video shows what can be done with Localino. There are 3 Localinos in the corners of this room and a single Localino moving around. We use wifi to transport the data to our server application. This wifi is not on the Localino 1.3. However, depending on your application (e.g. a robot should know where he is, you do not need wifi, because the mobile Localino can stream range measurements via the UART interface). Please also have a look here:
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