This is a kit for the classic 555 LED blink circuit. Kit is assembled on a breadboard
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555 LED Blinky on a Breadboard What is it? This is a kit to create a 555 astable oscillator circuit to blink an LED. This kit contains all the components required to build the circuit and a small bre…
Read More…This is a kit to create a 555 astable oscillator circuit to blink an LED. This kit contains all the components required to build the circuit and a small breadboard to assemble on. All that is needed outside the kit is a 9V battery.
The following parts are included:
The 555 LED blinky circuit was one of the first designed a built on a breadboard and I loved it. It went on to inspire me to build more thing and eventually pursue a career in electronics. The other primary reason why I made this was to create a kit for a breadboard instead of soldering a PCB.
Instead of being a kit that is soldered together, it is assembled on a breadboard, making it more versatile in your electronics collection. Also, 555 timers can be used in a multitude of ways and this kit can act as a starting point for those interested in trying to branch out into more complex designs.
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