HASP - HA SwitchPlate 2 layer PCB ready to assemble and install
Designed by Derusha Digital Designs in United States of AmericaNo shipping info available.
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MOVING STORES! Tindie has served us all well but US tax law has changed and I need to move to a shop that will handle that. PCBs are available for immediate shipment here!. HA SwitchPlate PCB The HA…
Read More…Tindie has served us all well but US tax law has changed and I need to move to a shop that will handle that. PCBs are available for immediate shipment here!.
The HA SwitchPlate is an LCD touchscreen you can mount into a standard "work box" in place of a light switch. It connects to your WiFi to send MQTT messages to your home automation system in response to user interactions on the screen. Buttons and text displayed on the screen can be updated by incoming MQTT messages from your home automation system or other devices on your network.
This project utilizes a Nextion 2.4" LCD Touchscreen display mounted in a standard-sized single-gang workbox as a touchscreen panel for home control and information display. An ESP8266-based microcontroller provides WiFi connectivity and system control. The project has been developed to integrate with Home Assistant but should be compatible with any other MQTT-enabled automation platform such as OpenHAB, Domoticz, Node-Red, Wink, SmartThings, Vera, HomeKit, etc.
This PCB allows for safe, proven, and easy assembly of the electrical components. The source files for this project are available in the design files link, and I had them manufactured by the fine folks at AllPCB with excellent results.
This is only shipping to North America, not because I want to be a jerk, but because work boxes are different dimensions around the world and this almost certainly isn't going to work without substantial modification outside of NA. The source files for the PCB and enclosure are available on the GitHub repo, so if you have the time and skill to make a version that will work in your country, feel free to contribute a pull request!
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Fred | May 24, 2019
Dentis | Feb. 2, 2019
James | Dec. 19, 2018
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Caledonia, MI, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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