A little alien visitor in their spaceship.
Designed by MadLab in United KingdomThis seller is taking a break until Jan. 3, 2025. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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A kit of an alien in their spaceship with flashing eyes and a row of running lights. A touch-sensitive switch at the base of the spaceship toggles the LEDs on and off. Different patterns of running l…
Read More…A kit of an alien in their spaceship with flashing eyes and a row of running lights.
A touch-sensitive switch at the base of the spaceship toggles the LEDs on and off. Different patterns of running lights are cycled through at random.
The kit uses through-hole components but the construction is a little unusual - call it pseudo SMD. So it's easier to solder than a full surface-mount design but a little harder than a regular through-hole kit. This construction technique allows for the outward-facing side of the board to be free of solder joints and look neater.
Can be attached to clothing with the supplied clip and pin.
Uses 3V CR2032 coin cell (not included).
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