Makerfabs weather station is based on home assistants to make weather monitoring easy and visualized, suitable for Makers to DIY a home weat
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What is it? We all like home assistants, which make “IOT” easy for common users, Makerfabs weather station is based on home assistants to make weather monitoring easy and visualized, suitable for Mak…
Read More…We all like home assistants, which make “IOT” easy for common users, Makerfabs weather station is based on home assistants to make weather monitoring easy and visualized, suitable for Makers to DIY a home weather station in a few minutes.
ESPHome is an open-source project to help you customize smart home solutions based on popular ESP32/ESP8266 boards. ESPHome natively integrates with Home Assistant. It reads in a YAML configuration file and creates custom firmware which it installs on your ESP device. Devices or sensors added in ESPHome’s configuration will automatically show up in Home Assistant’s UI. Makerfabs home assistant/ ESPHome weather station is based on ESP32, it integrated common weather sensors, for the user to easily install a tiny weather station. It can monitor:
Makerfabs do not make the hardware and leave the SW problems to customers, we made all the YAML files and also the driver files, users can follow our guide step by step, with only copying/pasting and clicking, to create a home weather station in 10 minutes.
Note that although we have guide on how to set this station configuration, but also customers need know the home assistant implement and ESPhome installation, either on a PC or Raspberry Pi. Please check the
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Hashim | Sept. 18, 2024
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