FujiNet is a multi-peripheral emulator and WiFi network device for vintage computers
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#### What is it? Fujinet is a series of devices that provide disk or hard disk emulation via SD card, and via WiFi connection. Current shipped version is Rev. 01 , with Firmware 0.5.77bfa009 due to …
Read More…#### What is it?
Fujinet is a series of devices that provide disk or hard disk emulation via SD card, and via WiFi connection.
Current shipped version is Rev. 01 , with Firmware 0.5.77bfa009 due to it has wider SD card compatibility and better compatibility for YellowStone cards when used in an Apple IIe
Upgrade to v1.2 is possible, but functionality is the same with worse SD card compatibility and issues with Yellowstone card.
Any disk image, such Total Replay is completely supported; loaded from Internet or via SD card.
It is also useful to use BBS, vintage internet chat systems, and other internet based services using a classical computer platform.
Currently Fujinet supports Atari 8 bits - Coleco Adam and Apple II computers.
This model is intended for Apple II, and it can be used natively in these Apple II models (Apple IIc requires a ROM version that supports SmartPort):
Apple IIGS
Apple IIc+
Apple IIc
For these other models, you need a SmartPort ROM card:
Apple IIe
Apple IIe Enhanced
Apple II Plus
SmartPort cards supported for IIe, IIe enhanced and Plus:
Apple Liron (AppleIII)
Grappler w/ SoftPort ROM
SuperSerial w/ DIY SmartPort (E)EPROM
**#### Firmware v1.0 for Rev. B labeled boards:
In some days, firmware v1.1 for Rev. B and upgraded Rev. A boards,
#### How to check Apple IIc SmartPort support?
At the command prompt write this:
If the answer is 255, you need a ROM chip update, due to very first version doesn´t have SmartPort software driver
#### Current status
Fujinet for Apple II computers is in a continously development, current hardware version is 01 (current shipped units are revision 01)
Despite its "in development" nature, the provided features are well stablished, some hardware changes will be needed to support additional features.
As well, the development team is gently enough to maintain a firmware that supports previous hardware device generations. Also they explained to me how to compile the firmware, in order to maintain here a continously updated firmware for previous FujiApple harware version
The provided features for hardware revision 00 (or Rev. A) as labeled in the board are:
Up to 4 floppy / hard disk emulation devices
Printer emulation (the output is stored as .pdf files in the SD card)
Clock function
Network functions, its possible to use a TNFS server in Real-Time
SD card storage method or WiFi, you can access files remotely and use Internet services such BBS
The provided features for hardware revision 01:
Up to 4 floppy / hard disk emulation devices
Printer emulation (the output is stored as .pdf files in the SD card)
Clock function
Network functions, its possible to use a TNFS server in Real-Time
SD card storage method or WiFi, you can access files and use Internet services such BBS
CM/P support via Z80 emulation
#### Upgrade from Rev. 00 (A) to Rev. 01 #### and Firmware Update
The quickest way is to cut a single trace, and solder a wire; this change provides CP/M support to any Rev. 00 (A) board.
This change is needed if you planned to use CP/M support, otherwise no additional benefits.
These images show how to perform the upgrade to a Rev. 00 or (A) board; in the first image, solder a wire in the 6th pin counting form left side, to the SD card holder cut pin shown in the second photograph:
As last, flash the next firmware file using the official Fujinet flasher tool:
#### How to use CP/M support?
As well, in order to use CP/M support you need to install all the downloable files into a CPM folder (create CPM folder in your SD card root) and execute VT100.po
=>You will need to put the cpm files on your sd card (https://github.com/FujiNetWIFI/fujinet-platformio/wiki/CP-M-Support#are-there-any-archives-of-software) and load vt100.po from apps.irata.online/appleii/needswork tnfs
#### Why did you make it?
Its a customized version from the original shape of the Fujinet for Apple II in order to massively reduce its size, remove the need of an extender IDC20 cable; and convert the device into a tiny sized version.
As well, weight is extremely reduced, less than 50 grams. in order to be worldwide shipped to any international destination.
Printable case 3D file is included with the tracking number message,
#### What makes it special?
Tiny size, intended to create an easy to manipulate, to create a very confortable device that can be plugged into the back of your Apple II computer in order to enjoy internet services or classical disk emulation via SD card.
#### How to use it?
The Apple IIGS can autoboot: just turn it on and with a properly wired and firmware-loaded FN it should load the CONFIG screen.
Apple IIc cannot autoboot. To boot it ensure there is no disk in the internal drive (you can leave the drive connected). Then power on the Apple IIc. Hit CTRL-Reset to get to the ] prompt. Type PR#5 and the FN should load the CONFIG app. After you select a host and load a virtual slot you use ESC to boot. You must again CTRL-Reset and the PR#5 to 'boot' that virtual drive and the disk should load. Check your logs if it doesn't (keep the USB connected and watch the logging output real-time).
As well, view the provided video links in order to see the device under operation :)
#### Operation videos:
Apple IIc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY0cYTckrZo
Apple IIgs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjaNDBNfWmc
#### Recommendations:
PLEASE NOTE: FujiNet is powered by the Espressif ESP32 chipset, which works on 2.4GHz WiFi networks ONLY. If you are using a "mixed" 2.4GHz/5GHz WiFi network (using both radio bands with the same SSID), you MAY have problems connecting your FujiNet device with other devices on the network.
Currently the Apple II implementation only works with HDV and PO images, so ensure you have those. More disk image formats for the Apple will be added in future firmware releases.
#### Firmware update:
You can download the FujiNet-Flasher (for Windows, macOS, or Linux), from https://fujinet.online/download/. For more information, see FujiNet-Flasher.
Update procedure is performed via the micro USB port of the FujiApple device. Its as simple as plug the USB cable, select the Apple II platform firmware and click update device.
USB to Serial driver for this ESP32 board model is attached here, a CH34x driver.
Firmware update thread:
**#### Last update for users with a converted Rev. A to Rev. 01 (it is only useful for users with modded hardware Rev. A)
These firmwares fixes some incompatibilities for some users, that found that Disk ][ support doesn´t work properly; As well, these are the last updated firmware for users with an updated Rev.A to Rev.B (or Rev.01) Fujinet from my manufacturing batches,
Emulated disk ][ support as Drive 1:
Emulated disk ][ support as Drive 2:
These are the 25/3/2023 firmwares with the changes suggested by Mozzwald, these changes are only select a #define, I don not navigate around what code changes perform this define,
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