FT232H-based JTAG on a stick.
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This is yet another FT232H based USB JTAG adapter. Story The story behind this creation is a simple one: I want a USB JTAG adapter that is in the form of a USB stick so I can use it with my laptop wi…
Read More…This is yet another FT232H based USB JTAG adapter.
The story behind this creation is a simple one: I want a USB JTAG adapter that is in the form of a USB stick so I can use it with my laptop with minimal clutter, and uses ARM CoreSight interface natively since all my projects that uses JTAG, regardless of chip, uses that pinout. This is what ended up came out of it.
This adapter hardware comes fully assembled, with a 1.27mm 10-pin cable included. However the configuration EEPROM 93C66
is not programmed by default. Programming of this EEPROM is only needed if you want to use it with Digilent and Xilinx tools natively.
In order to use this interface, you just plug the USB end on your computer, and the 10-pin JTAG end on your target board. The JTAG connector follows the ARM CoreSight 10-pin pinout with 1.27mm pin pitch:
The JTAG interface itself supports a target voltage from 1.2V to 3.3V, while the RESET pin needs at least 1.8V to work properly. The circuitry is not 5V tolerant. You should generally avoid using the onboard reset button, but as a last resort you may need it.
The hardware is designed to be electrically compatible with Digilent JTAG-SMT2, but it is shipped without any firmware loaded in the onboard 93C66
EEPROM. If you can find a working JTAG-SMT2 firmware, loading it into the board should make it function with Digilent and Xilinx tools that expect one.
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