Connect standard DIN microscope objectibe to a C/CS mount camera
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What is it? This is a high-performance replacement for the Edmund-Optics DIN Objective to C-mount Tube Assembly (Stock# #54-868). The tube is made of 3D printed PLA with Aluminum connectors. Tube dia…
Read More…This is a high-performance replacement for the Edmund-Optics DIN Objective to C-mount Tube Assembly (Stock# #54-868). The tube is made of 3D printed PLA with Aluminum connectors. Tube diameter is 35mm and length is 132.5mm.
IF YOU NEED A REPLACEMENT FOR #54-868. This is the part you need, However, if you just need a C-MOUNT adapter, check the All Metal Casing new modular design here: Then select the C/CS mount option.
This is a high-performance product using nominal magnification of the DIN objective for maximal performance. For macro replacement check: Material is Matte PLA for the tube, Carbon-Fiber PLA for the mounting ring.
I purchased the Edmund-Optics equivalent product to make a high-resolution scanner. The tube performed well under normal light conditions. Unfortunately, when imaging high dynamic range objects (B/W negative) the image was degraded by stray light reflection from the tube walls. This product represent my effort to solve this problem.
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New York, NY, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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