USB-C High speed to Dual channel CAN Adapter with SocketCAN and RealDash support
Designed by MeatPi Electronics in AustraliaThis seller is taking a break until Feb. 10, 2025. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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Description: The Meatpi Dual CAN adapter is a powerful and versatile tool designed for professionals and automotive enthusiasts alike. With a USB-C connection, it provides a reliable and high-speed c…
Read More…The Meatpi Dual CAN adapter is a powerful and versatile tool designed for professionals and automotive enthusiasts alike. With a USB-C connection, it provides a reliable and high-speed connection between a computer and devices, while supporting both CAN2.0A/B protocols for data rates up to 1 Mbit/sec. The adapter is compatible with BUSMaster on Windows and SocketCAN on Linux, making it a great choice for a wide range of applications. A jumper is included to activate or deactivate 120R termination, allowing for customization and flexibility. The adapter's available API supports programming languages such as LabView, C#, VB.Net, Delphi, and Python, adding to its versatility. With its high-performance CAN adaptor and robust set of features, the Meatpi Dual CAN adapter is an excellent choice for those in need of reliable and customizable CAN communication.
It Also supports Realdash. The realdash firmware multiplex both CAN1 and CAN2 into a single channel USB-Serial channel. Which means any CAN frame received on CAN1 or CAN2 is sent to the same USB-Serial channel and any firmware send from the USB-Serial is sent on both channels. CAN bitrate can be set for each channel independently using the jumpers. The supported bitrate are 250K, 500K, 800K and 1000K.(Contact me if you need to support a specific bitrate)
Check documentation on GitHub for more information.
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