ESP32 OBD2 open source adapter, WiFi/BLE CAN Bus works with Home Assistant and ReadDash
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Features and Specifications: Works with Home Assistant CAN to MQTT bridge API C#, VB.Net, Python, Delphi, LabView Supports SocketCAN Consumes less than 1mA in battery saving mode. Firmware update ov…
Read More…WiCAN is a OBD-II WiFi/BLE to CAN adapter based on ESP32-C3, it's a great tool for car hacking. The original firmware can interface directly with RealDash over WiFI or BLE. Realdash allows you to create your own custom dashboard with stunning graphics, it's available on ANDROID, IOS AND WINDOWS 10.It can connect to your existing WiFi network or any device can connect to it's WiFi access point.
WiCAN also works with BUSMaster, for monitoring and logging CAN bus traffic.
Also available API for LabView, C#, VB.Net, Delphi, Python - In case you're writing your own software.
WiFi and CAN configuration can be set configuration web server. Documentation.
Note: Firmware source code available on github
You need to download the right version of BUSMaster provided in this Link. Here is how to setup the hardware.
WiCAN can connect with RealDash using WiFi or BLE. The Protocol and CAN bitrate must be set using the configuration page. BLE is only support on Android and IOS. Windows 10 only supports WiFi connection.
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Abdulla | June 12, 2022
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