USB device based on Atmega32U4 and Esp-12F. Programmable with Arduino IDE and "NodeMcu flasher". Compatible with various projects.
Designed by michalmonday in United KingdomNo shipping info available.
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All the products sold by me are open source. If you have the will and possibility to produce and sell them yourself then I encourage you to do so. You can contact me on discord (michalmonday#3687).
What makes it special? It was made in EasyEDA and it's publicly available, meaning that anyone can modify/produce/sell this device (see Design files and Documentation in "Specs and docs" section belo…
Read More…It was made in EasyEDA and it's publicly available, meaning that anyone can modify/produce/sell this device (see Design files and Documentation in "Specs and docs" section below). It is smaller than alternatives (e.g. WHID, CJMCU-3212) and has a switch that makes the reflashing of Esp-12F more convenient.
Youtube - Assembling Esp-12F based PCB (Currently I have the stencil the process looks a little different.)
Software flashed: supremeDuck
Access point name: supremeDuck
Access point password: 37373737
The boards are hand made by an amateur, they're tested and fully working before shipping, however I cannot guarantee that they will not stop working at some point. I can guarantee that any technical issues will either be fixed, refunded or replacement board will be sent.
I ordered more of the PCBs, currently I'm waiting for the parts to arrive, it may take some time because it's from China.
See device types comparison to see advantages/disadvantages of Bluetooth/BLE/Wifi versions.
If you purchase the device I would appreciate if you notify me when it arrives. Also, it would be cool if you have any feedback about it, like suggestions to improve or just a confirmation that it works alright. The documentation of the board includes instructions on how to update and use the device, please let me know if something is unclear.
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Haran | Dec. 27, 2019
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