Mikronauts SchoolBoard ][ solderless prototyping board is now available for the Raspberry Pi
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What is it? SchoolBoard ][ is an advanced solderless prototyping board with LED's, dip switches and tactile push button switches! SschoolBoard ][ is supplied as a kit of parts that you need to assemb…
Read More…SchoolBoard ][ is an advanced solderless prototyping board with LED's, dip switches and tactile push button switches!
SschoolBoard ][ is supplied as a kit of parts that you need to assemble yourself.
Photo 1: SchoolBoard ][ used with a Raspberry Pi and Pi Jumper (NOT included, and not assembled)
Photo 2: SchoolBoard ][ KIT (what you receive)
Photo 3: SchoolBoard ][ after you assemble it, before mounting breadboard
I wanted to make a very easy to use solderless development board, and come on, everyone needs LED's and switches!
I've used SchoolBoard ][ with:
Why waste precious solderless breadboard space on LED's and switches?
You can develop your circuit on the breadboard, using the switches and LED's already mounted on SchoolBoard ][ !!!
And once you have your circuit working great, you can get a breadboard-less version of SchoolBoard ][ and make a permanent version of your project by soldering your circuit onto the breadboard-like prototyping board that is hidden by the solderless breadboard (if you mount it).
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