Black Magic Probe Plug is a JTAG/SWD USB programmer and debugger with a built-in GDB server.
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What is it? Black Magic Probe Mini V1.0 (BMP) designed by Black Sphere Technologies and released under GNU Public License. BMP is a JTAG and SWD Adapter used for programming and debugging ARM Cortex …
Read More…Black Magic Probe Mini V1.0 (BMP) designed by Black Sphere Technologies and released under GNU Public License. BMP is a JTAG and SWD Adapter used for programming and debugging ARM Cortex MCUs.
Black Magic Probe gets rid of intermediate programs like OpenOCD or STLink server. This makes the operation faster and more reliable. You just open your GNU Debugger (GDB) and select the virtual com port offered by BMP as your extended remote target. For a full description and how-to visit the projects Wiki page.
I'd like to have my ARM debugging environment as simple as possible without intermediate software like OpenOCD or ST-Link server.
I've made some modifications with respect to the original schematics. First of all, it has a full-sized UDB-B socket instead of mini-USB. Secondly, the separate SWD header for on-board STM32 chip is provided. In contrast to more recent BMP version 2.x it has fill-sized 20 pin JTAG head.
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