EARLY PROTOTYPE of a RPi pHAT 3D printer controller - READ BEFORE BUYING
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What is it? This is a prototype of my compact RaspberryPi Zero pHAT 3D printer and CNC controller (stepstick stepper drivers and RPi Zero are NOT included). I made two of these for testing so I am se…
Read More…This is a prototype of my compact RaspberryPi Zero pHAT 3D printer and CNC controller (stepstick stepper drivers and RPi Zero are NOT included). I made two of these for testing so I am selling one of them in case someone wants early access and to raise some money towards making the next version. This version works perfectly fine to control three stepper-driven axes; however, I'm making a few modifications to improve the expansion port and board for driving extra steppers and extruders. This version is useful for someone who wants to control a CNC machine or any other robot or mechanism with three steppers. DON'T BUY THIS IF YOU WANT TO CONTROL A 3D PRINTER. For that, please wait for a few weeks, maybe a month or two, for the next version.
Contact me, or follow the project or hackaday.io, if you have any questions about the limitations of this version and what's different in the next one.
I am currently working on a compact portable 3D printer with versatile removable heads. I need small electronics (only have a space of about 42x42x100mm to fit all electronics) with maximum standalone operation, hence the RPi Zero.
It's compact, it is designed to work with RPi, and it kinda looks like a turtle.
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