Tux Penguin - A small lapel pin made from real FR4 PCB material
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What is it? A small lapel pin made from real FR4 PCB (printed circuit board) material with the Linux Tux Penguin Logo on it. The board measures 19mm x 17mm, is made of Black FR4 material, has ENIG (g…
Read More…A small lapel pin made from real FR4 PCB (printed circuit board) material with the Linux Tux Penguin Logo on it. The board measures 19mm x 17mm, is made of Black FR4 material, has ENIG (gold) plating with clear solder mask and white silk screen (OSH Park After Dark). It comes with a pin pre-soldered (lead-free) on the back and a special locking pin back (pin keeper/clutch) that holds much better the common "butterfly" style pin back.
I enjoy being creative and picked a few themes that I would enjoy turning into a lapel pin. The art was made in Inkscape then imported into PCB CAD software where it was cleaned up and converted into the various PCB layers.
It's a great way to show off your geekiness/nerdiness!
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Michael | Nov. 10, 2020
K. Roland | Dec. 11, 2018
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West Peoria, IL, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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