Simple Temperature based Fan Controller with programmable settings and OLED display
Designed by mr4lexndr's devices in United Kingdom
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I have created this board to control 2, 3, and 4 pins fans based on the temperature read from the DS18B20 sensor. it features an OLED display and a button for user input. Board works with a wide rang…
Read More…I have created this board to control 2, 3, and 4 pins fans based on the temperature read from the DS18B20 sensor. it features an OLED display and a button for user input. Board works with a wide range of input voltage which is the supply voltage to the fan.
The user specifies three temperature values:
The board does its magic to operate the fan based on these inputs and presents current conditions to the user on the display.
The three temperatures are 28, 35, and 26. When the sensor heats up to 28 degrees, the fan starts working with a 25% duty cycle. While the temperature rises the fan speed increases reaching 100% at 35 degrees. Fan blasting at full speed will cool down the sensor to 26 degrees when it switches off.
OLED shows an animation of whether the fan is working, fan speed and PWM duty cycle, sensor temperature, and programmed working range.
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