Stereoizing drive module in the AE modular format
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The HyperDrive module is a simple drive module with a twist. Like most drive modules it takes a mono signal and, via the "Drive" knob, applies soft clipping to the output to add grit and character. B…
Read More…The HyperDrive module is a simple drive module with a twist. Like most drive modules it takes a mono signal and, via the "Drive" knob, applies soft clipping to the output to add grit and character. But things get interesting when you apply the "Spread" control. As "Spread" is increased the right and left channels deviate into two separate clipping circuits that vary slightly in response/character. This produces a stereo effect on the left and right outputs and gives a very simple but effective way to beef up your mono signals and increase the soundstage of your final output. The stereo effect is most effective with complex inputs such as drums or mixed signals as the variation between the two clipping circuits differs across the frequency range.
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