Simplify programming and building with the Attiny85 microcontroller with this Programmer & Breakout Board!
Designed by Southbound Circuits in CanadaThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
What is it? Working on a small project that doesn't have complicated code or a lot of inputs and outputs? The Attiny85 microcontroller is a great solution! The Attiny85 microcontroller has 5 digital …
Read More…Working on a small project that doesn't have complicated code or a lot of inputs and outputs? The Attiny85 microcontroller is a great solution! The Attiny85 microcontroller has 5 digital I/O pins, two of which can be PWM'ed and three used as analog inputs.
The Attiny85 Programmer and Breakout Board makes it easy to transition a small project from an Arduino Uno to an Attiny85. No need to look for programming connection diagrams anymore; The pins to connect to an Arduino to program the Attiny85 are printed on the board. The I/O pins and their features (PWM, analog inputs) are indicated for easier use when prototyping and assembling your project. The Board is designed to fit nicely on the power rails and the edge of the prototyping area of an 830-point breadboard.
The Attiny85 Programmer & Breakout Board also has an ISP connector for those who wish to program it that way.
This item comes assembled with:
The Attiny85 microcontroller and headers are not included.
Operating voltage: 2.7-5.5v
I/O Pin Current: 20mA
See Documentation for instructions, including how to program with this board!
Attiny85-20PU datasheet:
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