Multi Mode Digital Voice MODEM for the Raspberry Pi Revision 1.5 by DB9MAT and DF2ET ( SIMPLEX )
Sold By N5BOC Store ( LoneStar Semiconductor Designs )This product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
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What is it? This is a fully assembled and ready to use Multi Mode Digital Voice MODEM. A.K.A. MMDVM All boards are fully tested and ready to install and use on a raspberry Pi. This board while des…
Read More…This is a fully assembled and ready to use Multi Mode Digital Voice MODEM. A.K.A. MMDVM All boards are fully tested and ready to install and use on a raspberry Pi. This board while designed primarily for the Pi Zero W, it is also compatible with the Pi3,Pi3B+, and Pi2B. It is used by Amateur Radio operators to access the DMR and DSTAR networks using a raspberry pi and a UHF radio and usually the PI-STAR software for Raspberry Pi. Besides DMR and DSTAR this board is also compatible with the YSF, P25 and NXDN networks. This comes to you with all connectors for the PI installed and soldered into place.
To promote my Hobby! In the beginning I made this as a learning experience. Just to see if I could make it work. But because the supply of these are limited I've been asked by a few friends to make this available for purchase. This modem is based on the Analog Devices ADF7201 a very powerful and flexible piece of silicon.
This is the original design of DB9MAT and DF2ET. And credit should go to them for this design. It is not a Chinese knock off. Built and tested in the USA. All connectors are installed and it is ready to use upon receipt. I'm offering it here as a way to help out other HAMs. These are challenging to procure right now and I'm happy to keep a steady flow of these to promote my hobby. Building these in such small volumes is certainly not cost effective so I'm not making any money off of these even at the price I'm asking for these. But I can get you one headed your way quickly. You don't have to wait for a slow boat from China.
Each board comes with a ceramic 432MHz antenna installed. For longer range an SMA connector can be installed and the ceramic antenna removed.
( Trust me it's easy ! )
This does not ship with any kind of stubby antenna. I've found this to not be necessary when operating in the car or within the shack. Plus it is a much nicer and more flexible installation without having to accommodate the stubby duck antenna.
The board shipping now is V1.5 and supports NXDN by having a NXDN indicator LED. This board also includes connection points for the NEXTION or OLED screen.
If you have any questions please contact me here on Tindie or via QRZ.COM and we can discuss our options. Amateur call sign N5BOC.
If you place an order please include your call. This is just for my records of who is operating with one of mine. THANKS!
My WebSite N5BOC.COM
Product: (4.90)
Documentation: (3.70)
Shipping: (4.70)
Communication: (4.10)
Lloyd | Feb. 20, 2019
Douglas | Feb. 13, 2019
Michael | Nov. 18, 2018
Brad | July 23, 2018
Brett | June 30, 2018
Philip | June 24, 2018
Bernard | May 26, 2018
Samuel | May 13, 2018
William | May 12, 2018
Steven | May 10, 2018
McKinney, TX, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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