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The Pecan Pi Relays kit is designed to be interfaced with the Raspberry Pi's GPIO connector and features six normally open relays, each capable of switching up to 16A @ 250VAC. The relays are rated f…
Read More…The Pecan Pi Relays kit is designed to be interfaced with the Raspberry Pi's GPIO connector and features six normally open relays, each capable of switching up to 16A @ 250VAC. The relays are rated for at least one million cycles. The Pecan Pi Relays kit requires an external power supply capable of providing ~800mA @ 5V, such as the Nwazet Pi Power Supply, since the Raspberry Pi cannot supply enough current through its GPIO connector. The relay board can optionally power the Raspberry Pi. The kit is designed so that other boards can be chained through it. It is also easy to solder, even for a beginner.
Redmond, WA, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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