TrafficWing - A State Machine Visualization Wing for IcyBlue
Designed by Oak Development Technologies in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break until Dec. 31, 2025. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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A Highly Visual Experience For a classic digital design problem. TrafficWing provides a beautifully laid out board enabling you to properly visualize the classic traffic light state machine design do…
Read More…For a classic digital design problem. TrafficWing provides a beautifully laid out board enabling you to properly visualize the classic traffic light state machine design done in digital systems design courses. Designing traffic light intersections allows learners to see how state machines work in digital design, as well as introduces hardware interrupts in a visual way.
TrafficWing provides a 4 way intersection with Red, Amber, and Green LEDs arranged in traffic signal patterns, as well as 4 buttons which can be used as vehicle or pedestrian inputs to the state machine.
TrafficWing also brings out the fpga reset to enable easy access for resetting your design.
Learning is often best done through visualization and visual stimuli which help reinforce important concepts and processes. TrafficWing makes the classic learning experience memorable with an easy to configure and use Feather shaped board and examples to help make state machines easier to understand.
If you’re interested in using this in your classroom, bulk and educator pricing is a available upon request.
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