Beach Day Badge - bling for hacker summer camp & full of features to measure Victory Gin intake or blind Big Brother to your shenanigans!
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Update: Those that missed these over the past couple cons, we have finally got around to fixing the few that had power button issues, and have them available. About the badge: This is the completely …
Read More…This is the completely unofficial DC858/619 badge. Coming to you fully assembled, tested, and ready to rock!
Do you like RGB lights that could potentially blind you? Wonder how much of that scotch you've had and if you should do Crash and Compile or not? Can't be bothered by those fancy moving picture devices blaring out their sounds?
Have we got the solution for you! The DC858/619 badge contains such rich features as:
We officially support the Shitty Addon
Taking the initial ideas, I created the official MS Paint SAO design. Behold the glory of 3am MS Paint
The code, schematic, and gerbers are located here:
We are part of the DC858 or DC619 (depending on who you ask). Some of us went to defcon, saw the amazing things going on, and decided to be a part of that. Some of us were pressured into helping. :-D
A Day at the Beach! Come, join us, relax with the waves under a palm tree. You get to have the beach shipped right to your door.
This amazing piece of PCB includes a breathalyzer, IR LEDs for a TV-B-Gone circuit (and possible other hijinks), and some primo blinking RGB LEDs.
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