Quad Band GSM / GPRS Dialer and SMS Sender with OLED Display and custom Software
Designed by Phoenix CNC, OLEDiUNO in BulgariaThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
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Most innovated custom PCB with too many features to list. OLEDiESP version with microSD card support out now.
What is it? Please make sure you have 2G network coverage, these will not work on 3G or 4G, thank you. My new PCB's arrived today and I can finally build some of these little GSM alarms. Updated the …
Read More…Please make sure you have 2G network coverage, these will not work on 3G or 4G, thank you.
My new PCB's arrived today and I can finally build some of these little GSM alarms.
Updated the pictures showing the new version. Will upload a new video soon.
Quad Band GSM / GPRS Dialer and SMS Sender with OLED Display and custom Software All display colors are currently on stock. Please let me know your choice. Thank you.
I have all these ideas that I try to bring to life one by one. This was on my list for a long time.
It is custom made based on my OLEDiUNO PCB with software written by me and tweaked each pixel so it does look great too.
You can use this in many ways. You can program it to send SMS messages, call phone numbers, use it as a alarm in your home or everywhere you can attach a battery. It runs between 3.6 - 4.2 Volts. You can easily reprogram it using my USB to TTL adapter with Pogo pins.
For more info please get in touch with me using the 'Contact me' on the right hand side.
My example code will be supplied of course.
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