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Due to COVID-19, delivery time is extremely slow, read "Shipping Policy or Information" for more information.
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I'm sorry, but this product is outdated and no longer supported. This is just a sale of stock as it is, so I will no longer add new items for sale. This is mainly due to very difficult production and…
Read More…It's a small Pogo pin ISP programmer adapter. It allows you to program your AVR project without to solder ISP header and reduce space on PCB.
It is used to program AVR Atmel ATmega, ATTiny microcontrollers. Many boards have ISP pads for programming, for example Arduino Uno, Nano, Arduinoflake by Jiří Praus...
There are two options of pogo pins.
Kit (as photo):
Assembled PCB (as photo):
Video or instructions for assembling the kit is not available now. I recommend using a solder paste and hot air gun. It's for experts! It's a real challenge.
Assembled PCB:
Assembled version is handmade assembled. So one can expect that it will not be perfect. But it is as good as it can be (as photo). If you don't accept it, you need to buy a kit and do it yourself.
Spacing 2.54mm are only not guaranteed, there is little tolerance.
Pogo pins are very close to each other. Beware of short circuits. I recommend using a USB isolator or ISP programmer with short-circuit/overload protection.
Pogo pins are fine and prone to rough handling. The return does not apply to mechanical damage. If you buy a Kit, be careful if you overheat the PCB and peel off the copper, damage the pogo pins (sealed with flux, soiled with tin...) we are not replacing or return.
Open source, see Link to Source Code. Eagle library and footprint is ready to use on Github.
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Enter your email address if you'd like to be notified when AVR-ISP Pogo Pin Adapter (2x5 IDC,2x3 Pogo 2.54mm) can be shipped to you:
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Due to COVID-19, the delivery of international shipments to some countries is extremely slow. I don't have a chance to speed it up. Also, sending your shipments will take several days due to the "General Lockdown" in my country. Also, shipments to some countries are suspended. This list is constantly being updated, so it is difficult for me to keep an up-to-date list of allowed countries. If you create an order and it is not possible to send the shipment to your country, you will receive a full refund.
List of allowed countries:
Therefore, I set a period of 90 days for refund. If you are unable to wait or do not agree with the delivery time, please do not create new orders. It is not my fault but "force majeure" :(
Quantity | Price |
1 | $4.59 |
2 | $4.39 |
3+ | $4.19 |
Product: (5.00)
Documentation: (5.00)
Shipping: (5.00)
Communication: (5.00)
Ahmet Yilmaz | May 22, 2021
Radek | May 23, 2020
Michael | May 3, 2019
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