The Moatshark is a cousin of the Moat. Motor magnets from a Sata HD are used to create glitchy sequences, ululate, grind.
Designed by Poetaster's Tonetoys in Germany
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What is a lazrarcade?! Moatshark, like moat is a SATA harddrive, where all the motor electromagnets create the control signals. These push frequencies from a 4040 (binary ripple counter) like a mini …
Read More…Moatshark, like moat is a SATA harddrive, where all the motor electromagnets create the control signals. These push frequencies from a 4040 (binary ripple counter) like a mini sequencer. That in turn is used to modulate the frequencies of 2 inputs of an XR2206 signal generator. That whole mess MAY be fed into the digital delay. With feedback.
In short, a glitchy anti-synth. It makes lazr sounds. It ululates. It makes grinding guitar noise.
See some audio and videos at the Moatshark page
Well, I always wanted to build a PT2399 into something I make. And I'm just exploring how you can use the odd motor magnet signals. It's an experiment. Gone terribly wrong. Oh, and it's another means for putting my collection of German Democratic Republic transistor collection into a modern (like!) thingy :)
Like Moat, I play this with keep and Gieskes Analog HD synth. It's crazy fun.
Well, there is nothing like it in the known universe. Although, we only know a tiny corner of it :)
Moat is open hardware! You can use the fritzing files (or gerbers as I update them) to make one yourself. It's GPLv3 so you can make commercial versions as long as you release your version of the design files.
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