Spectral Sensor with 10 light channels + flicker detection, covering 350nm to 1000nm wavelengths
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What is it? The AS7341 is a multi-channel (10 light channels + flicker detection) spectrometer and a specialized light sensor, covering wavelengths from approximately 350nm to 1000nm. It not only det…
Read More…The AS7341 is a multi-channel (10 light channels + flicker detection) spectrometer and a specialized light sensor, covering wavelengths from approximately 350nm to 1000nm. It not only detects the intensity of light but also analyzing different wavelengths to determine the colors present. The AS7341 accommodates 16 sensors that can identify 8 overlapping bands of colored light. Among the channels, eight are dedicated to capturing light in the visible spectrum, one measures near infra-red light, and one serves as a filter-less photo diode ("clear"). Additionally, the device includes a specialized channel for detecting ambient light flicker at 50Hz or 60Hz, and can buffer data for calculating other flicker frequencies externally. The combination of the near infra-red and visible channels enables the device to provide information about ambient light conditions, including light source detection.
This breakout can be used using I2C communications with an MCU. It can be used with open source Arduino libraries such as: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_AS7341
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