An Arduino Uno Shield (kit) with screw terminals for easy DIY CNC machines running GRBL.
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An Arduino Uno Shield (kit) with screw terminals for easy DIY CNC machines running GRBL. So I could make my own CNC machine and have easy access to wiring it for GRBL. This GRBL shield is Open Source…
Read More…This design not only allows access to both flood and mist coolant, but also comes with noise reduction capacitors for the limit switches.
In addition, this board features an (optional) unique diagnostic LED that can be configured to light up when the GRBL state machine is in an ALARM_STATE indicating a problem. This feature is extremely useful on larger commercial CNC machines.
V1.2 has additional noise reduction capacitors and an additional LED that can be wired in parallel with the Spindle PWM.
NOTE: V1.1 has a minor silkscreen error where Spindle PWM and Spindle Direction are swapped.
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