An Arduino module with built in display
Designed by Potato Company in AustraliaThis seller is taking a break until Dec. 31, 2024. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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"The Economy Air" (5$ shipping option worldwide) is currently unavailable in Australia due to the COVID crisis. On the plus side, in the expensive shipping option, you get tracking information on you…
Read More…This is an Arduino pro mini clone with a built in monochrome LCD display. It makes life easier for any project that requires information to show. I have developed two libraries. The monoBasic is for text and requires very little RAM. The monoPro can do line, rectangle, circles etc and requires 800 byte RAM.
The library can be downloaded from: This library requires very little RAM and can only draw text and logo. This library requires 800 bytes of RAM and can draw texts, lines, circles, rectangles, etc.
I love displays. It looks like a mess when I connect a display on the breadboard. I have also labelled the IIC pins (SCA and SDA) for connecting all the IIC modules available on the market. The power, TX, RX and DTR pins are arranged in a way to make the CP2012 modules connection super easy.
Select "Arduino Pro mini" and "3.3V 8Mhz" from the tools menu.
It makes your project neat and clean on the breadboard.
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I usually ship my packages on Wednesday. If you want tracked post please contact me.
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