A SMD module that does USB to TTL conversion along with a bunch of more features, perfect for any microcontroller programming.
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What is it? Are you tired of dealing with messy wires and unreliable connections? Say hello to EverythingUSB module! A USB-C based SMD module that can serve as USB to TTL convertor where all data li…
Read More…Are you tired of dealing with messy wires and unreliable connections? Say hello to EverythingUSB module! A USB-C based SMD module that can serve as USB to TTL convertor where all data lines are ESD protected, it can charge your lipo batteries with overcurrent and overvoltage protection.
Every new PCB design for a Microcontroller requires a few mandatory components. Battery powered designs require charging circuit. In order to avoid hassle of routing and rerouting these mandatory components, I have created an SMD drop in module in compact size.
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