A compact board containing an AVR microcontroller driving a power LED driver which can be activated via motion sensor
Designed by JIFA-tronics in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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What is it? A compact board packed with an ATTiny microcontroller driving an LM3405 power LED driver. The Tiny is constantly monitoring an on-board motion sensor and can activate the LED driver when…
Read More…A compact board packed with an ATTiny microcontroller driving an LM3405 power LED driver. The Tiny is constantly monitoring an on-board motion sensor and can activate the LED driver when motion is detected.
I initially designed this to be part of an under-cabinet, motion-sensor-activated LED lighting system...While preparing food in the kitchen, the sensor sees your hands moving and keeps the counter lit up. When finishing in the kitchen, just walk away and the lights turn off a few minutes later. No wasted energy and hands-free operation. We've become addicted to this kitchen light, and I'm sure that this circuit could also be put to many other cool uses.
Power LED's are a lot of fun to play with but they require some sort of drive/regulation. The LM3405 is a great little chip to control power LED's, and this board gives some great control options in a compact package that can be tucked into a tight area. Instructions are available (soon to be a kit with all specialized parts as well) to build this into an under-cabinet, motion sensor activated power LED strip.
Input Voltage: 5-15VDC. A minimum 5V is required to keep everybody running, with a few components having a max rating of 15V.
The number of LED's that you can drive depends on the input voltage, current settings and the voltage drop of the LED's at that given current. By default these boards are configured to maintain a constant 700mA output. It's important to remember the maximum input voltage is 15V. Assuming an LED that drops ~3V at 700mA, the maximum number that could be placed in series is 4, totaling 12V. Running 5 would require more than the maximum 13.5V output of the LM3405.
Use this to run any power LED's with compatible current needs. Optional Lumileds LED's with adhesive reflectors are available here in Neutral or Cool. Note that these LED's generate a lot of heat and so they require some sort of heat-sinking Running these power LED's without a heat sink will cause the PCB to get extremely hot, causing a fire risk and may lead to premature LED failure.
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